SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/10/2025 11:09 AM
Question 20230035
Inquiry Details
2018 EOD Manual. Bladder
Update to Current Manual/2018 EOD Manual/EOD Primary Tumor--Bladder: According to the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC), a transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) cannot make a distinction between involvement of the superficial muscle-inner half (Stage T2a) and the deep muscle-outer half (Stage T2b). Is this same criteria applied to Extent of Disease (EOD)?
EOD follows AJCC criteria in this situation and we have confirmed with AJCC that Stage T2a (superficial muscle) and Stage T2b (deep muscle) cannot be assigned when only a TURB is done.
For EOD Primary Tumor, Bladder, codes 200, 250, 300, 350, can only be used when
- Cystectomy is performed
- Muscularis propria is involved, AND
- Pathology report states superficial muscle (200, 250) or deep muscle (300, 350) is involved
If a TURB is done and there is mention of the muscularis propria invasion (superficial muscle or deep muscle), use EOD codes 370 or 400. If a TURB is done and the pathology report states superficial or deep muscle, ignore and coded as “invasion of muscularis propria, NOS” (EOD codes 370 or 400).
Instructions and code descriptions for EOD Primary Tumor have been updated to indicate this. These updated instructions and code descriptions will be available when SEER*RSA is updated for 2024, Version 3.1 (Sept/Oct 2023). These updates are included here for reference and can be applied for cases diagnosed 2018+.