SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/11/2025 7:13 AM
Question 20240055
Inquiry Details
#1: 2024 SEER Manual, 124-128. Tumor Size Summary
#2: 2024 STORE Manual, 150-154. Tumor Size Summary
Update to the Current Manual/Tumor Size Summary—Neoadjuvant Treatment: Would you clarify instructions in the 2024 SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual (SPCSM) for Tumor Size Summary when a patient receives neoadjuvant treatment? There seems to be a conflict with the STORE Manual. See Discussion.
Starting for cases diagnosed in 2024, the SPCSM manual no longer requires the data items for clinical and pathologic tumor size. Instead, it appears to align with the CoC data item of Tumor Size Summary. The two manuals contradict each other when it comes to coding tumor size summary for neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) treated cancers.
STORE states: "If neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery, do not record the size from the pathologic specimen. Code the largest size of the tumor prior to neoadjuvant treatment; if unknown code size as 999."
2024 SPCSM states "If neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery, do not record the size from the pathologic specimen. Code the largest size of the tumor prior to neoadjuvant treatment; if unknown code size as 999." It continues to state
12. Assign code 000 when…. (a) no residual tumor is found…(i) Neoadjuvant therapy has been administered and the resection shows no residual tumor &
14. Assign code 999 when...(d) Neoadjuvant therapy has been administered and resection was performed. Do not use a post-neoadjuvant size to code pathologic tumor size; however, you may use the clinical tumor size if available
It seems that we will lose the value of the tumor size summary if we code 000 when NAC is administered and there is no residual disease.
Example: Patient has a 90 mm triple positive breast tumor and is treated with neoadjuvant TCHP (docetaxel/carboplatin/ trastuzumab/pertuzumab). After completing neoadjuvant therapy, the patient has a mastectomy with no residual disease noted on the final pathology report.
Using the 2024 SPCSM instructions, code 000 for Tumor Size Summary instead of 090 for the clinical tumor size of 90 mm tumor noted before NAC was administered. This has the potential to affect data analysis, research, and clinical trial accrual.
When there is neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery, do not record the size from the pathologic specimen. Code the largest size of the tumor prior to neoadjuvant treatment; if unknown code size as 999. We will remove Coding Instruction 12.a.i in the next version of the manual.