SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 02/09/2025 4:16 AM
Question 20240079
Inquiry Details
WHO Class Eye Tumors, 31-33. 4th edition
Reportability/Histology--Conjunctiva: Is low-grade conjunctival melanocytic intraepithelial lesion (LG-CMIL) with focal high-grade features of the conjunctiva (C690) reportable? If reportable, what histology should be assigned?
Additional comments in this pathology report state "The entire case was sent in consultation to an ophthalmic pathologist. [Pathologist] assigns a conjunctival melanocytic intraepithelial neoplasia (C-MIN) score of 2-3 due to the upward pagetoid migration of small, dendritic melanocytes. A C-MIN score of 2-3 is between low-grade conjunctival melanocytic intraepithelial lesion (LG-CMIL; C-MIN 2) and high-grade conjunctival intraepithelial lesion (HG-CMIL; C-MIN 3). The older terminology for this lesion would be primary acquired melanosis (PAM) with mild to focally moderate atypia."
This term does not appear in the SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual (SPCSM), Appendix E1 of the SPCSM, or Solid Tumor Rules (specifically rule H3) .
Conjunctival melanocytic intraepithelial neoplasia (C-MIN) is reportable; therefore, low-grade conjunctival melanocytic intraepithelial lesion (LG-CMIL) with focal high-grade features of the conjunctiva (C690) is reportable, 8720/2. We will add this to a future edition of the SEER manual.