Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20240060 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Lung: What is the histology code for a lung case with a diagnosis only stated as "high-grade neuroendocrine tumor" in 2022? As the disease was advanced, limited workup was done, and no more specific diagnosis was provided. See Discussion. |
SINQ #20170064 states this should be coded as neuroendocrine carcinoma for rectum, but that may not apply for a 2018+ lung case. The Solid Tumor Manual lists "neuroendocrine tumor, grade 3" as 8249 in the Lung module, Table 3, but our pathology report does not specify grade 3 and we are unsure if that would be equivalent to "high grade" in this case. We were unable to find this exact term in the Solid Tumor Manual or the ICD-O-3.2 update documents. |
Assign 8249/3 for high-grade neuroendocrine tumor of the lung. WHO Classification of Thoracic Tumors, 5th edition, defines two subtypes of neuroendocrine tumor of the lung, typical carcinoids (8240/3), and atypical carcinoids. WHO assigns typical carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor grade 1 as 8240/3 and atypical carcinoid/neuroendocrine tumor grade 2 as 8249/3. They are regarded as low-grade and intermediate-grade, respectively. The preferred term for 8249/3 in ICD-O-3.2 is neuroendocrine tumor grade 2, with neuroendocrine tumor grade 3 as a related term. The Lung Solid Tumor Rules assign atypical carcinoid as 8249/3. |
2024 |
20240023 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Penis: Why is warty carcinoma listed in Other Sites, Table 23 (Penis and Scrotum Histologies) as 8051 when the ICD-O-3.2 and SINQ 20200003 indicate the correct histology is 8054 for this neoplasm? See Discussion. |
The ICD-O-3.2 indicates histology 8051 only applies to diagnoses of condylomatous carcinoma and warty carcinoma made prior to 2018. For penis cases diagnosed 2018 and later, these neoplasms should be coded as 8054. This is consistent with SINQ 20200003. However, a new Table was added to the Other Sites schema in the 2024 Solid Tumor Rules update. Table 23 lists “Verrucous carcinoma / carcinoma cuniculatum / Warty carcinoma” as histology 8051. While verrucous carcinoma is still listed under histology 8051 in the ICD-O-3.2, warty carcinoma is not. Does Table 23 need to be updated? Or is this an error in both the ICD-O-3.2 and SINQ 20200003? |
Assign histology code 8054/3 for warty carcinoma. Assign 8051/3 for verrucous carcinoma and carcinoma cuniulatum. The WHO Classification of Urinary and Male Genital Tumors, 5th edition (2022) revised the terminology for squamous cell carcinoma groupings from "non-HPV-related" to "HPV-independent" and from "HPV-related to "HPV-associated". Warty carcinoma is defined as a "morphologically distinct HPV-associated verruciform neoplasm that shares histological features with a giant condyloma but has definitive cytological atypia and a malignant infiltrative architecture." Verrucous carcinoma (including carcinoma cuniculatum) is defined as an HPV-independent squamous cell carcinoma, and is correctly coded to 8051/3. The 2024 Solid Tumor Rules, Table 23, Penis and Scrotum Histologies will be updated to reflect this revised terminology and coding. |
2024 |
20240062 | Reportability--Brain and CNS: Is an MRI finding of “statistically meningioma” reportable? See Discussion. |
Example: Patient has a 2023 brain MRI described as having a “new dural based nodule, statistically meningioma, along the left distal tentorial incisura.” All subsequent chart information is related to patient’s unrelated diagnosis of multiple sclerosis only. Is the terminology “statistically” reportable ambiguous terminology in this context? |
If you cannot clarify this with the involved physicians, do not report this case of meningioma based on information provided. There is no indication that the patient was treated or further evaluated for meningioma. |
2024 |
20240024 | Reportability/Histology: Is angiomyxoma (this includes borderline or behavior code /1 cases) of the soft tissue reportable? Can you provide us with coding guidelines for angiomyxoma for when its reportable or not reportable? |
Do not report angiomyxoma. ICD-O-3.2 assigns 8841/0 to this benign tumor. This includes superficial and deep (aggressive) angiomyxoma. |
2024 | |
20240007 | Histology--Brain and CNS: Provide clarification about the priority order of histology coding sources and an explanation of why the annotated histology lists are not the same as the WHO IARC ICD-O-3.2 Excel Table (adopted 1/1/2021). See Discussion. |
We have had multiple users unable to find the applicable histology in the ICD-O-3.2 (i.e., the site-specific table did not include the histology) because they were using the annotated histology list and could not find the complete list of related terms or synonyms for the histology code. For example, the ICD-O-3.2 lists Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated, NOS as a related term for 9471/3, but many users were unable to find this valid histology because they were using the annotated histology list, not the ICD-O-3.2. |
The NAACCR Annotated Histology List (AL) serves as an aid to registry software vendors for implementing annual histology changes. This file has been maintained by the Registry Plus team at CDC’s NPCR for several years and reflects modifications to ICD-O-3 implemented by North American cancer registries over time. Although this list is reviewed multiple times prior to posting, there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy. As such, the AL is not a substitute for referring to various standard-setter documents and implementation guidelines. In this instance, Medulloblastoma Desmoplastic SHH-activated and TP53-wildtype 9471 is across several resources: the Solid Tumor Rules, Malignant CNS and Peripheral Nerves module in Table 3, column 3 as a subtype/variant of Medulloblastoma NOS 9470; in the CNS WHO 5th Edition BB; and in the WHO IARC ICD-O-3.2 posted to ICD O 3 Coding Updates ( Although the exact related term of Medulloblastoma, SHH-activated, NOS is not listed, the NAACCR Implementation Guidelines for 2024 recommend checking the 2024 ICD-O-3 Update Table 1 or 2 to determine if the histology is listed. If the histology is not included in the update, then review ICD-O-3.2 and/or Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Database and/or Solid Tumor Rules (MP/H). The Cancer PathCHART initiative has been undertaken to address gaps such as this between standard setting resources. Having all the standard histology coding resources included in a single all-inclusive database enables alignment of morphology codes & terms included in the CPC*SMVL (Cancer PathCHART Site-Morphology Validation List), Solid Tumors Rules, ICD-O-3 Annual Updates, NAACCR Annotated Histology List as well as the WHO 5th edition Blue Books. Please see Cancer PathCHART - Tumor Site-Morphology Surveillance Standards Initiative for more information on the Cancer PathCHART initiative, and more specifically, see Transitioning the Annotated Histology List to Cancer PathCHART ( |
2024 |
20240011 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Other Sites: Other Sites Table 2 (Mixed and Combination Codes) requires site designations; can sites be added? See Discussion. |
There are multiple possible entries (rows) for a tumor with a neuroendocrine component and non-neuroendocrine component, but these rows do not specify which primary sites are applicable. Row 1 (Combined small cell carcinoma, 8045) seems applicable to a prostate primary, but not to a GI primary since GI primaries are now generally referred to as MiNENs (mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine tumors), but Table 2 does not provide any instructions regarding how to determine the difference between 8045 and 8154 (or 8244). For SEER Workshop Case 03 (mixed prostate case), many users selected 8154 or 8244 as the mixed histology code per Table 2, but these histology codes are not listed as applicable in Table 3 (Prostate Histologies). Per the WHO Blue Books, these histologies are not listed as applicable to the prostate. How are registrars to determine the correct mixed code without site designations, especially if they don't have access to the WHO Blue Book or to a pathologist who may be able to clarify the codes? |
Sites may be added to certain combinations when indicated by ClinCORE review for Cancer PathCHART. Please note some sites were added in the 2024 update as a result of PathCHART review. A newly-formed Solid Tumor Editorial Board and its subgroups are currently working to evaluate the Solid Tumor Manual and make recommendations on ways to improve the structure and formatting of the manual and its content. Follow the rules and instructions in the Other Sites STRs when assigning combination histology codes. Histology Coding Rules Use the Histology Coding Rules when assigning combination codes. Coding Histology Information Use this section that includes the mixed histology (Table 2) and site-specific histology tables (Tables 3-23) for one or more histologies within a single tumor. Do not use this section in place of the Histology Coding Rules. While site-specific histology tables, based on current WHO Classification of Tumors books, have been added to Other Sites STRs, not all site groups have individual histology tables; coding may require the use of ICD-O and updates. The histology tables in Other Sites STRs include additional coding instructions and notes to assign the correct ICD-O code when appropriate. The tables are not meant to be all-inclusive; rather they are intended to address difficult coding situations to facilitate the assignment of the correct histology code. Table 2: Mixed and Combination Codes Instructions Once you have identified the histology terms and have been instructed to use Table 2 by the Histology Coding Rules, compare the terms in the diagnosis to the terms in Column 1. When the terms match, use the combination code listed in Column 2. Use adenocarcinoma mixed subtypes 8255 as a “last resort” code. |
2024 |
20240054 | EOD 2018/Primary Tumor--Breast: We are having difficulty deciding when we can or cannot use physician-assigned TNM staging to code EOD data items if the medical record or hospital abstract documentation is unclear. As a central registry, we are unable to query physicians for clarification. Please advise what is a “discrepancy” in the EOD General Instructions to “Use the medical record documentation to assign EOD when there is a discrepancy between the T, N, M information and the documentation in the medical record.” See Discussion. |
We know that physician TNM staging is not always accurate, and we also know that doctors sometimes use information in assigning their TNM which may not be available to registrars. Is it a discrepancy when the documentation in the chart is unclear or not definitive, yet the physician assigns a TNM that seems to incorporate that documentation? Or is a discrepancy an obvious conflict between chart documentation and the doctor’s staging – such as a mis-assignment of TNM category that doesn’t at all match with clear and complete medical record documentation, or the physician’s use of criteria that should be excluded from the TNM assignment per AJCC guidelines? A real case example is a patient with breast carcinoma, imaging states 12 cm tumor with thickening of dermis, and thickening of morphologically suspicious internal mammary and level 1-2 axillary lymph nodes. Medical oncologist states locally advanced breast cancer with extensive changes involving skin thickening associated with the mass, at least stage IIIC based on imaging and exam findings, cT4 N3b. Only axillary nodes were sampled and found to be positive. Post-neoadjuvant therapy resection showed only focal DCIS. Per EOD guidelines, would the oncologist’s staging be a discrepancy with the chart documentation and therefore ignored, with EOD-Primary Tumor coded 200 for skin thickening, and EOD-Lymph Nodes 200 for involvement of axillary nodes only? Or would the doctor’s TNM be a clarification/confirmation of documentation terms that we otherwise would not code, with EOD-PT coded 400 for extensive skin involvement and EOD-LNs 600 for internal mammary + axillary nodes? |
Use all information available in the medical record. EOD is a combination of the most precise clinical and pathological documentation of the extent of disease as instructed in the EOD 2018 General Instructions, Extent of Disease section. EOD 2018 General Instructions, General Coding Instructions section advises to use the medical record documentation to assign EOD when there is a discrepancy between the T, N, M information and the documentation in the medical record. When there is doubt that the documentation in the medical record is complete, code the EOD corresponding to the physician staging. A discrepancy can exist within the medical record when the information in the chart is unclear, incomplete, or conflicting, for example, the TNM staging from pathology differs from the medical oncologist’s TNM staging. In the scenario provided, use the medical oncologist stage information that takes into account imaging and exam findings. Based on the stage cT4 N3b, assign EOD Primary Tumor: 400 Extensive skin involvement WITHOUT a stated diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic filtration EOD Regional Nodes: 600 Internal mammary node(s), ipsilateral, clinically apparent (On imaging or clinical exam) WITH axillary (level I, II, or III) lymph node(s), ipsilateral including infraclavicular |
2024 |
20240019 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Head and Neck, Other Sites: Do human papilloma virus (HPV) histologies that occur with subtype/variants of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in various sites apply only to sites in Solid Tumor Rules, Head and Neck, Table 5 and Other Sites, Table 23? See Discussion. |
The 2024 Solid Tumor Rules, Table 5: Tumors of the Oropharynx, Base of Tongue, Tonsils, Adenoids contain notes that say beginning 1/1/2022, keratinizing or non-keratinizing SCCs, HPV positive or HPV negative, are coded 8085 or 8086, respectively, for sites listed in the Head and Neck Solid Tumor Rules, Table 5 only. Table 5 introductory section also states for cases diagnosed 1/1/2023 forward: “When the diagnosis is a subtype/variant of squamous cell carcinoma and HPV status is also noted, code the subtype/variant.” This latter instruction is also included in Other Sites Table 23 (Penis and Scrotum Histologies) as a “Penis Coding Note.” Do these instructions ONLY apply to sites on those tables (and only to Penis or to Scrotum also in Table 23)? How should we code HPV-related keratinizing/non-keratinizing or other subtype/variant SCCs, for sites NOT on those tables, given the fact that only the more common histologies are listed in the Solid Tumor tables? For example, we recently reviewed a case with HPV-positive basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (C21.0). |
Code the specific histology as stated by the pathologist according to the site-specific instructions in the Solid Tumor Rules. When the histology provides a subtype/variant in addition to the HPV histology codes, code the subtype/variant as it is important to capture this histology as in the example provided. the instruction to code the subtype/variant over 8085 or 8086 applies to the following sites: oropharynx, cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, and penis. A note will be added indicatng this in 2025. Per 2024 Cancer PathCHART expert pathologist review, morphology codes 8085/3 and/or 8086/3 are valid and applicable to head and neck, oropharynx, cervix, vagina, vulva, fallopian tube, anus, and penis (reference: Cancer PathCHART: Product Downloads and Timelines). Other coding resources will be updated to reflect these changes in 2025. |
2024 |
20240043 | Reportability/Histology--Digestive Sites: Is a diagnosis of “tubulovillous adenoma with high grade dysplasia” in the duodenum equivalent to a diagnosis of “tubulovillous adenoma, high grade” and, therefore, non-reportable, or is this a reportable non-colorectal high grade dysplasia? See Discussion. |
The 2022 ICD-O-3.2 Implementation Guidelines indicate “Tubulovillous adenoma, high grade” is 8263/2 and is not SEER reportable. However, the 2024 SEER Manual and clarification from recent SINQs (20240021 and 20240025) confirm high grade dysplasia in the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is reportable (8148/2). Which reportability reference applies to a diagnosis of a tubulovillous adenoma with high grade dysplasia in non-colorectal sites? |
A diagnosis of “tubulovillous adenoma with high grade dysplasia” in the duodenum is not equivalent to a diagnosis of “tubulovillous adenoma, high grade.” Tubulovillous adenoma, high grade (8263/2) is not reportable as of 2022. High grade dysplasia (glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III) is reportable in the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine (8148/2). |
2024 |
20240009 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology --Brain and CNS: Why is high grade astrocytoma with piloid features (HGAP) not grouped together with the other astrocytoma histologies as a subtype/variant of astrocytoma? See Discussion. |
It appears there was some confusion about finding this new malignant HGAP tumor (2023+) code. If this is not a specific subtype/variant of astrocytoma, can clarification be added to the “New for 2023” entry for HGAP? |
HGAP is listed as a separate classification and is not a subtype of the diffuse gliomas. WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, 5th edition, has two categories dealing with non-pediatric astrocytic tumors: Adult-type diffuse gliomas Circumscribed astrocytic tumors HGAP falls into the second category as a result of updates to the 4th edition WHO classification in 2016 with advances in the role of molecular diagnostics with the 5th edition. All astrocytic tumors were previously grouped together whereas not all diffuse gliomas (astrocytic or not) are grouped together on the basis of growth pattern and behaviors, and shared IDH1 and IDH2 genetic status. The new classification separates astrocytomas that have a more circumscribed growth pattern, lack IDH gene alterations, and sometimes have BRAF mutations (i.e., pilocytic astrocytoma). The impact of molecular advances has driven classification changes as described in the 5th edition. Review of site/histologiy combinations for CNS neoplasms is currently being performed by Cancer PathCHART experts. It's possible they will recommend HGAP be moved to a subtype/variant of astrocytoma, NOS. |
2024 |