This page lists the changes made to the default configuration. If your registry uses a customized configuration, the changes will have to be manually merged with the customized version. It is important to understand that most of the changes are not required. There are two types of changes:
- Bug fixes - These should be re-applied to the customized configuration, but they are rare.
- New features - These are almost always optional and only need to be re-applied to the customized configuration if needed to support the new feature. In the rare case a change is required, it will be well-advertised in a Squish issue and in its description.
Version 2.22.1 (released on 05/02/2024)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed how Pediatric staging version fields are set
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: fixed saving Pediatric staging lookup titles
Version 2.22 (released on 03/29/2024)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added Pediatric staging fields and script 'updateStagingPagePediatric'
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 24 records (added brainPrimaryTumorLocation, rxSummReconBreast, rxHospReconBreast; removed lnStatusFemorInguinParaaortPelv)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'showSurgPrimSite' script to always show fields that have a value
- lookups.xml: switched to NAACCR 24; added 'lkup_recon_breast'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 23 to NAACCR 24; added new external lookup
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: added Pediatric staging fields
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 24 records (added new fields: Brain Primary Tumor Location, RX Summ-Recon Breast, RX Hosp-Recon Breast; removed LN Status Femoral-Inguinal, Para-aortic, Pelvic)
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IF629 and IF630 to ignored census edits list
- script-load-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 23 to NAACCR 24; added new external lookup
- added key 'property.age' which defaults to 'ageAtDiagnosis', this key is used for Pediatric staging; added key 'edits.load.pediatric' which defaults to 'false'
Version 2.21.5 (released on 10/27/2023)
- added key '' which defaults to "facility"; this key is used in the worklist to filter AFL entities by facility
Version 2.21.1 (released on 05/25/2023)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed field type for 'rxHospSurgPrimSite2023' and 'rxSummSurgPrimSite2023'; fixed behavior of 'showSurgPrimSite' script for missing DX date
Version 2.21 (released on 04/04/2023)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: changed "validateDate" context entry to not allow 0/8/9 filled dates; updated ABS-004 and ABS-008
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 23 records (added new staging fields, new 2023 Surgery fields; removed retired fields)
- script-action-record_created.groovy: removed 'seerCodingSysCurrent' and 'seerCodingSysOriginal' since they were retired with NAACCR 23
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 23 records (added new staging fields, 2023 Surgery fields; removed retired fields and date flags)
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: removed all logic for date flags and 'unknown' date values
Version 2.20 (released on 12/01/2022)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: updated field names in ABS-004, ABS-006, ABS-007, ABS-099, ABS-100, ABS-103, ABS-106, ABS-107
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed many field names to match the NAACCR XML ID; changed 'setPhysicianExtraFields' and 'setFacilityExtraFields' to take the NPI field as a parameter
- script-action-record_created.groovy: changed 'facility' field name to 'reportingFacility'; changed a few other field names to match the changes on the abstract layout
- script-apiget-afl.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-apiget-facility.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-apiget-physician.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: added logic to help propagate exceptions by getting the result of 'invokeAll'
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: changed many field names to match the NAACCR XML ID
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: removed translations for layout field names that have been changed on the layout to align with NAACCR XML IDs
- search-worklist.xml: changed field names used by 'Facility' and 'Morph' 'on-field-populated' logic
- changed default value of 'property.histology' to "histologicTypeIcdO3, 'property.behavior' to "behaviorCodeIcdO3, and 'property.facility' to "reportingFacility"
Version 2.19 (released on 03/18/2022)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 22 records (added new staging fields, Tobacco Use Smoking Status, and Macroscopic Evaluation of Mesorectum)
- lookups.xml: switched from NAACCR 21 to NAACCR 22; added several external lookups; removed unused lookups
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 21 to NAACCR 22; added new external lookups; removed unused lookups
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 22 records (added new staging fields, Tobacco Use Smoking Status, and Macroscopic Evaluation of Mesorectum)
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: changed the default "useXml" value to "true"
- script-load-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 21 to NAACCR 22; added new external lookups; removed unused lookups
Version 2.18 (released on 09/30/2021)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed 'naaccr-item' property for the NCDB fields in the COVID-19 section
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: removed reference to empty NAACCR dictionary
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: removed reference to empty NAACCR dictionary
- added key 'backup.happens.on' which defaults to "startup" and can be used to specify whether an automatic backup should be created when the application starts up or when it closes
Version 2.17 (released on 02/16/2021)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: removed edit ABS-003
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 21 records (added new staging, NCDB COVID-19, Neoadjuvant Therapy fields)
- layout-ref_patient.xml: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- lookups.xml: switched from NAACCR 18 to NAACCR 21; added several external lookups and added eod staging lookups to the list of non-modifiable internal lookups
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 18 to NAACCR 21; added several new external lookups
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 21 records (added new staging, NCDB COVID-19, Neoadjuvant Therapy fields)
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: added field 'ncdbSarsCov2PosDate' and helper method 'assignDate'
- script-load-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 18 to NAACCR 21; added several new external lookups
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: renamed 'nameMaiden' to 'nameBirthSurname'
- added key 'edits.allow.override' which can be used to allow specified edits to be overridden in the editor
Version 2.16.5 (released on 12/02/2020)
- added key 'configuration.type' which defaults to 'generic'; this key will allow different installations to use separate user preferences
Version 2.16.3 (released on 09/03/2020)
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: removed IF183, Census_Tr_Poverty_Indictr, Race_NAPIIA, SEER_Record_Number, IF402 from the list of ignored edits because the edits were removed from the SEER edits
Version 2.16.2 (released on 06/19/2020)
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: changed 'assignDateAndFlag' method to assign the full 8-character date field based on the date parts; this is required for the NAACCR edits
Version 2.16 (released on 06/09/2020)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' to not calculate a schema when Diagnosis Year = 9999
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added logic to 'updateStagingPage' script to handle incorrect discriminators set in hidden fields (this change is not required)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' script to account for differences between the layout field names and the NAACCR IDs; staging context methods now expect as input and will return as output NAACCR IDs where applicable; these changes are required
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: added logic to calculate Date of Death Canada Flag; changed date flag logic for Date Radiation, Date Radiation Ended, Date Most Defn Surg, Date 1st Crs Rx CoC
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: changed date flag calculations for Date of Initial RX SEER, Date Other, Date Radiation, Date Radiation Ended, Date Most Defn Surg, Date 1st Crs Rx CoC
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: added translations for layout field names to align with NAACCR XML IDs per SEER edits change; these changes are required for the SEER edits to run correctly
Version 2.15.3 (released on 01/27/2020)
- added key 'hide.check.for.updates' which defaults to 'false'; this key is used to show or hide the 'Check for Updates' menu option
- added key 'editor.hide.multiple.primary.calculator' which defaults to 'false'; this key is used to show or hide the 'Multiple Primary Rules' calculator in the record editor
Version 2.15 (released on 08/05/2019)
- layout-ref_patient.xml: removed 'birthPlace' and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: removed 'birthPlace' and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: changed the API call to get the SEER*DMS NAACCR version
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: updated several NAACCR XML IDs that were shortened (see the full list of updated fields at
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: removed IFN2611, Computed_Ethnicity, Computed_Ethnicity_source, IF71, IF72 from the list of ignored edits because the edits were removed from the SEER edits
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' field and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' field and added 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'
- search-patient.xml: changed the 'DOB' column to handle a date value in 'dateOfBirth' or in the 3 date parts 'birthDateYear', 'birthDateMonth', 'birthDateDay'
- added key 'password.minimum.length' which defaults to '8', this key is used to enforce a minimum password length
Version 2.14 (released on 02/11/2019)
- script-extract-afl.groovy: improved logged message to make it clearer that AFLs with 'ABSTRACTED' status are not written to the extract file
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IFN4205 to the list of ignored edits or Age_at_Diagnosis can't be properly ignored
Version 2.13.2 (released on 12/07/2018)
- added key 'property.behavior' which defaults to 'behaviorIcdO3', this key is used for EOD staging
Version 2.13 (released on 10/26/2018)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: changed edits to use the 'Context.' prefix when referring to context entries
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved the Regional LN and Sentinel LN fields so that they are in the same order as in SEER*DMS
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added read-only 'schemaId' and 'ajccId' fields that are set in the 'updateStagingPage' and are used by the edits to validate EOD staging fields
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added 'cocAccreditedFlag' field and changed 'updateStagingPage' script to consider an SSDI 'SEER required' if CoC Accredited = 1 and the SSDI has the COC tag
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' script to only set some fields if the value changes
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved 'prostatePathExtension' and 'seerSiteSpecificFactor1' SSDI fields, they will always be shown
- lookups.xml: added external lookups 'lkup_ajcc_id_8th' and 'lkup_schema_id_eod'
- lookups.xml: added external lookup 'lkup_coc_accredited_flag'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added lookups for 'lkup_schema_id_eod' and 'lkup_ajcc_id_8th'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added logic to skip the lookups update if the NAACCR version from SEER*DMS does not match the NAACCR version in SEER*Abs
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_coc_accredited_flag'
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: added 'dateOfLastCancerStatus', 'dateOfSentinelLymphNodeBiopsy', and 'dateRegionalLymphNodeDissection' with logic to set the flags
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IFN2839 and IFN2827 to the list of ignored derived field edits and IFN2611 to the list of ignored age edits
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookups for 'lkup_schema_id_eod' and 'lkup_ajcc_id_8th'
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_coc_accredited_flag'
- added keys '' (default 'false'), 'backup.frequency.days' (default '7'), and 'backup.number.retained' (default '3'), which can be used to automatically create backups of the main database
Version 2.12.1 (released on 07/03/2018)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' script to use 'behaviorIcdO3' as a discriminator for EOD, fixed the display of EOD SSDI required fields
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: fixed getEodTableTitle context method call for new behavior parameter
Version 2.12 (released on 05/16/2018)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'physician4' field to skip to 'occupationCodeCensus2010' in the on-field-exited script
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 18; added 'medicareBeneficiaryIdentifier', 'dateOfLastCancerStatus', 'ehrReporting', TX radiation fields; added EOD staging
- lookups.xml: switched from NAACCR 16 to NAACCR 18; added several external lookups and added eod staging lookups to the list of non-modifiable internal lookups
- script-action-record_created.groovy: switched from NAACCR 16 to NAACCR 18; now using the 'getPropertiesFromLayoutPerTab' and 'getPropertiesFromLayoutPerSection' methods when creating an abstract by copying
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 16 to NAACCR 18; added several new external lookups
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: renamed 'birthPlace' to 'birthplace', 'placeOfDiagnosis' to 'textPlaceOfDiagnosis', 'histologyIcdO3' to 'histologicTypeIcdO3', 'behaviorIcdO3' to 'behaviorCodeIcdO3', 'facility' to 'reportingFacility', 'sequenceNumberHosp' to 'sequenceNumberHospital'
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: merged database Month/Day/Year date fields into single 8 character record entries; changed 'dateOfBirth' (previously 'birthDate'), 'dateOfDiagnosis', 'dateOfInptAdm', and 'dateOfInptDisch' fields
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 18 records (added new staging, geocode, and TX fields)
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IF628 to the list of ignored age edits
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: changed script to pass the default NAACCR dictionary to the read file context methods
- script-load-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 16 to NAACCR 18; added several new lookups
- changed default value for key 'synch.export.file.abstract.use.xml' from 'false' to 'true'
- added keys 'property.discriminator1' which defaults to 'schemaDiscriminator1' and 'property.discriminator2' which defaults to 'schemaDiscriminator2', they are used for EOD staging
Version 2.11 (released on 10/24/2017)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' script to set default SSF values if entityOpening is true, the schema has changed, and the previous schema was null
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed lookup for field 'metsDxOther' to 'lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_other'
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: updated field names to match NAACCR dictionary (if you merge these changes, make sure to also merge the corresponding changes in 'script-import-ref_record-naccr.groovy' and 'script-load-ref_record-naccr.groovy' )
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: renamed 'birthPlace' to 'birthplace', 'placeOfDiagnosis' to 'textPlaceOfDiagnosis', 'histologyIcdO3' to 'histologicTypeIcdO3', 'behaviorIcdO3' to 'behaviorCodeIcdO3', 'facility' to 'reportingFacility', 'sequenceNumberHosp' to 'sequenceNumberHospital'
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: merged individual Month/Day/Year date fields into single 8 character fields; changed 'dateOfBirth' (previously 'birthDate'), 'dateOfDiagnosis', 'dateOfInptAdm', and 'dateOfInptDisch' fields
- lookups.xml: added external lookup 'lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_other'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_other'
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: changed NAACCR user dictionary path from 'conf/naaccr-dictionary.xml' to 'conf/dictionaries/naaccr-dictionary.xml'; this change is required or the script won't work properly.
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: rewrote the script to handle NAACCR flat files or NAACCR XML files depending on a local variable
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_other'
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: updated field names and record entries to match NAACCR dictionary (to be merged in coordination with the changes in 'layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml')
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: renamed 'birthPlace' to 'birthplace', 'placeOfDiagnosis' to 'textPlaceOfDiagnosis', 'histologyIcdO3' to 'histologicTypeIcdO3', 'behaviorIcdO3' to 'behaviorCodeIcdO3', 'facility' to 'reportingFacility', 'sequenceNumberHosp' to 'sequenceNumberHospital'
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: merged database Month/Day/Year date fields into single 8 character record entries; changed 'dateOfBirth' (previously 'birthDate'), 'dateOfDiagnosis', 'dateOfInptAdm', and 'dateOfInptDisch' fields
- added key 'editor.encoding' which defaults to 'none'; this key is to define an encoding type to validate fields in the editor
- added keys 'backup.database.dir.path' and 'backup.config.dir.path'; these keys are not required
Version 2.10 (released on 03/09/2017)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed 'updateStagingPage' script so that when the configuration property 'staging.collect.collaborative.stage' is true, the SSF fields can use CStage information
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: renamed NAACCR ID 'censusIndCode2010Cdc' into 'censusIndCode2010' and 'censusOccCode2010Cdc' into 'censusOccCode2010'; this change is needed for those porperties to be correctly extracted.
- script-generic-map_edits_conditions.groovy: initial version
- added key 'staging.collect.collaborative.stage' which defaults to 'false'; this key is used to show CS and TNM lookups
Version 2.9 (released on 07/15/2016)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed field 'stagingSchemaName' to 'stagingSchemaId', this change is necessary for the staging logic to run properly; see Squish issue #2068 for more details
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: added support for the NAACCR XML format, the created file will still be a flat file unless the 'synch.export.file.abstract.use.xml' configuration key is changed
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now saving csSiteSpecificFactor old labels for TNM or CS depending on the stagingAlgorithm value; this change is necessary for the staging logic to run properly
- script-generic-build_extract_filename.groovy: added support for NAACCR XML format, flat file is still supported; this is driven from the 'synch.export.file.abstract.use.xml' configuration key
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IF568 to the list of ignored derived field edits
- added key 'synch.export.file.abstract.use.xml' which defaults to 'false'; this change is to support the NAACCR XML format
Version 2.8.2 (released on 05/19/2016)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed field lengths for 'tnmClinStagedBy' and 'tnmPathStagedBy' from 1 characters to 2
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: changed 'lkup_staged_by' to get 'lkup_staged_by_2016' from SEER*DMS
- script-load-lookup.groovy: changed 'lkup_staged_by' to get 'lkup_staged_by_2016' from SEER*DMS
Version 2.8 (released on 02/16/2016)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: changed edits ABS-098 and ABS-099 to not fail for cases diagnosed 2014+
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added lookups 'lkup_clin_descriptor' for field 'tnmClinDescriptor' and 'lkup_path_descriptor' for field 'tnmPathDescriptor', changed the T, N, M, and Stage Group fields to case as-is
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 16; there were no actual changes, only the description of the layout was updated
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout for TNM staging, renamed script 'updateCstagePage' to 'updateStagingPage' and field 'csSchemaName' to 'stagingSchemaName'
- lookups.xml: added external lookups 'lkup_clin_descriptor' and 'lkup_path_descriptor'
- lookups.xml: added external lookup 'lkup_tumor_size'
- lookups.xml: added tnm staging lookups to the list of non-modifiable internal lookups, changed 'lkup_internal_cs' prefix to 'lkup_internal_staging'
- script-action-record_created.groovy: changed the vendor name to include the full version number and to use the prefix 'S*A' instead of 'SRAbs'
- script-action-record_created.groovy: added the new TNM staging fields
- script-apiget-afl.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-apiget-facility.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added lookups 'lkup_clin_descriptor' and 'lkup_path_descriptor'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: 'lkup_seer_summary_stage_2000' and 'lkup_seer_summary_stage_1977' were both changed to 'lkup_seer_summary_stage' in SEER*DMS
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_tumor_size'
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-apiget-physician.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: don't want to have more than 8 threads used
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 16 records (added new staging and countyDxGeocode fields, moved 'tnmPathStagedBy' and 'tnmClinStagedBy', naaccrRecordVersion is now 160); these changes are recommended
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting metsDxBone, metsDxBrain, metsDxDistantLn, metsDxLiver, metsDxLung, metsDxOther, tumorSizeClinical, tumorSizePathologic, and tumorSizeSummary fields
- script-import-afl.groovy: fixed CSV parsing for entities that have values with multiple lines
- script-import-facility.groovy: fixed CSV parsing for entities that have values with multiple lines
- script-import-lookup.groovy: fixed CSV parsing for entities that have values with multiple lines
- script-import-physician.groovy: fixed CSV parsing for entities that have values with multiple lines
- script-import-ref_patient.groovy: fixed CSV parsing for entities that have values with multiple lines
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: changed the script to handle CSV files instead of NAACCR files
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookups 'lkup_clin_descriptor' and 'lkup_path_descriptor'
- script-load-lookup.groovy: 'lkup_seer_summary_stage_2000' and 'lkup_seer_summary_stage_1977' were both changed to 'lkup_seer_summary_stage' in SEER*DMS
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_tumor_size'
- added keys '' which defaults to 'sex' and 'property.staging.algorithm' which defaults to 'stagingAlgorithm', they are used for TNM staging
Version 2.7 (released on 02/18/2015)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR 15; there were no actual changes, only the description of the layout was updated
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: added the 'click-means-toggle=true' attribute to all the checkboxes, this change will make the input dialog more user-friendly...
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 15 records (added new survival fields and changed flag calculation for RX_Date_Other_Flag); these changes are recommended
- script-generic-build_extract_filename.groovy: Changed abstractorId to the user field 'seerdmsAbstractorId', this change is required for the script to work properly
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: fixed bad comment at the bottome of the file...
- script-import-afl.groovy: now using context utility methods instead of CSV library for reading CSV file
- script-import-facility.groovy: now using context utility methods instead of CSV library for reading CSV file
- script-import-lookup.groovy: now using context utility methods instead of CSV library for reading CSV file
- script-import-physician.groovy: now using context utility methods instead of CSV library for reading CSV file
- script-import-ref_patient.groovy: now using context utility methods instead of CSV library for reading CSV file
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: the layout framework was restructured into different packages; this change is required for this script to work properly.
- removed keys '', 'editor.enforce.lookup.validation', these properties were moved to the layout level
Version 2.6 (released on 09/09/2014)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: added more edits to require critical fields (last name, first name, DOB, histology and behavior); these changes are not required but recommanded
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: replaced rulesets by conditions, edits now define their own java-path and the condition is now optional; these changes are required but applied by the installer (except the comments)
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: replaced "npcr" edits with "naaccr-translated" edits; this change is required if NPCR edits are enabled (see squish issue #1990)
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added IF441, IF461 and IF462 to the list of ignored census edits, this change should be applied
- search-worklist.xml: changed the default sort order from name last (ascending) to date last modified (descending); this change is not required
- replaced key 'edits.load.npcr' by 'edits.load.naaccr-translated'; this change should be applied automatically by the installer... (see squish issue #1990)
Version 2.5 (released on 12/23/2013)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: updated layout to NAACCR14; there were no actual changes, only the description of the layout was updated
- layout-user.xml: changed type of 'apiKey' field from 'string' to 'password'
- script-apiget-afl.groovy: fixed a bug were no enitites would be persisted if only one entity is returned; this change is recommended
- script-apiget-facility.groovy: fixed a bug were no enitites would be persisted if only one entity is returned; this change is recommended
- script-apiget-physician.groovy: fixed a bug were no enitites would be persisted if only one entity is returned; this change is recommended
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: fixed a bug were no enitites would be persisted if only one entity is returned; this change is recommended
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: fixed a bug were no enitites would be persisted if only one entity is returned; this change is recommended
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 14 records (no new fields were added, but the naaccrRecordVersion field is now set to 140 instead of 130)
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: minor change to flag calculation for X_Date_Radiation_Flag, Date_of_Initial_RX_Flag and RX_Date_Rad_Ended_Flag; this change is recommended
- search-user.xml: renamed 'abstractorId' column, added 'seerdmsAbstractorId' column; these change are needed for the correct values to be displayed in the user manager
- search-worklist.xml: added labels to all the searched fields; this change is recommended or the help dialog in the worklist won't display those fields properly
- search-worklist.xml: changed search type for 'site' from exact to contains, this change is not required
- added new keys 'support.seerrx.drugs' and 'support.hematodb.diseases' to allow the corresponding search tabs to be hidden; this change is not required, defaults to 'true'
Version 2.4.2 (released on 03/22/2013)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: improved validateDate() method, it will now fail for non existing dates like February 31st; this change is not required
Version 2.4.1 (released on 03/05/2013)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: renamed 'birthPlaceState' and 'brithPlaceCountry' into 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'; this change is recommended
- layout-record-abstract.xml: removed 'birthPlace' and 'placeOfDeath' since they have been replaced by state/country fields, added country auto-coding rules; these changes are not required
- script-action-record_created.groovy: renamed 'birthPlaceState' and 'brithPlaceCountry' into 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'; this change is recommended
- script-action-record_created.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' and 'placeOfDeath' since they have been replaced by state/country fields; these changes are not required
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: renamed 'birthPlaceState' and 'brithPlaceCountry' into 'birthplaceState' and 'birthplaceCountry'; this change is recommended
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: removed 'birthPlace' and 'placeOfDeath' since they have been replaced by state/country fields; these changes are not required
Version 2.4 (released on 02/27/2013)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: swtiched from NAACCR 12.2 to NAACCR 13; numerous changes, see Squish issue #1960 for the full list of changes
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved the 'lymphVascularInvasion' from the tumor page to the cstage page, removed extra spaces at the end of some lines; these changes are not required
- layout-record-abstract.xml: changed the lookup for the field 'rxHospRadiation' to 'lkup_type_of_radiation_hosp'; NAACCR doesn't allow some of values used in the corresponding lookup 'lkup_type_of_radiation'; this change is not required
- layout-ref_patient.xml: reviewed and simplified the entire form (if you merge these changes, make sure to also merge the corresponding ones in the import scripts)
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: reviewed and simplified the entire form (if you merge these changes, make sure to also merge the corresponding ones in the import scripts)
- layout-user.xml: added 'apiKey' and 'seerdmsAbstractorId' fields, this change is required for the web-services synchronization module to work properly
- layouts/input-afl-download.xml: entirely reviewed the dialog and changed the options; if merging these changes, make sure to merge the ones in the AFL import scripts
- lookups.xml: swtiched from NAACCR 12.2 to NAACCR 13; numerous changes, see Squish issue #1960 for the full list of changes
- lookups.xml: added lookup 'lkup_type_of_radiation_hosp'; this change is required if that lookup is also added to the Abstract layout
- script-action-record_created.groovy: swtiched from NAACCR 12.2 to NAACCR 13; numerous changes, see Squish issue #1960 for the full list of changes
- script-apiget-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-apiget-facility.groovy: initial version
- script-apiget-lookup.groovy: initial version
- script-apiget-physician.groovy: initial version
- script-apiget-ref_patient.groovy: initial version
- script-apiget-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: initial version
- script-apiput-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-apiput-record-abstract.groovy: initial version
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: swtiched from NAACCR 12.2 to NAACCR 13; numerous changes, see Squish issue #1960 for the full list of changes
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: added more SEER edits to the ignore list for fields that are not displayed; this change should be applied
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: updated the script to handle NAACCR files instead of CSV files; this change is not required but recommended
- script-load-afl.groovy: entirely reviewed the input dialog and changed the options; these chagnes are required if the corresponding changes to the dialog are merged
- script-load-facility.groovy: fixed logic that deals with assigning boolean; this change is required to correctly assign the fields
- script-load-lookup.groovy: swtiched from NAACCR 12.2 to NAACCR 13; numerous changes, see Squish issue #1960 for the full list of changes
- script-load-lookup.groovy: two lookups have been renamed in SEER*MDS: lkup_industry became lkup_industry_2000 and lkup_occupation become lkup_occupation_2000
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_type_of_radiation_hosp'; this change is required only if the lookup is added in the 'lookups.xml' definition file
- script-load-physician.groovy: added missing 'comments' field; this change is not required but recommended
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: removed extra fields that are not used in the default layout anymore; this change is required if the changes in the form are applied
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: removed extra fields that are not used in the default layout anymore; this change is required if the changes in the form are applied
- script-upload-afl.groovy: now showing a one-line warning instead of a full exception if the script is called but has not been customized yet
- script-upload-record-abstract.groovy: now showing a one-line warning instead of a full exception if the script is called but has not been customized yet
- search-facility-lkup.xml: made name search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- search-facility.xml: made name search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- search-patient.xml: made names search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- search-physician-lkup.xml: made names search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- search-physician.xml: made names search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- search-worklist.xml: made names search 'contains' instead of 'fuzzy'; this change is strongly recommened since fuzzy searches don't always work as one would expect (see Squish #1953)
- added keys for new web-services synchronization module; none of those keys are required
Version 2.3.3 (released on 10/17/2012)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed a bug in the updateCStagePage() shared method introduced in version 2.3; this change is required if other changes were also applied to the updateCStagePage() method
Version 2.3 (released on 05/25/2012)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed a minor bug in the updateCStagePage() shared method where the SSF25 would not be properly reset when changing the schema; this change is not required but recommended
- layout-record-abstract.xml: now showing the CStage factors pre-2010 required only if the DX year is before 2010 (modified updateCStagePage() method and added a call to that method from the DX year field); this change is not required
- layout-record-abstract.xml: modified the name fields (first, last, middle, maiden, alias) to be of length 40 (as defined in NAACCR) instead of 50 to avoid them being cut-off in the extract; this change is not required
- layouts/input-afl-download.xml: fixed wrong group-name for field 'opt-all'; changed 'opt-all' into 'opt-afl'; this change is required for the AFL download options to work properly
- script-generic-ignore_edits.groovy: initial version
- script-load-afl.groovy: fixed wrong option name (changed 'otp-all' into 'opt-all'); this change is required for the AFL download options to work properly
- added new key 'edits.load.npcr' with value 'false'; the change is not required, defaults to 'false'
- added new key 'password.expiration.time' which is the experiation time in days (blank means no expiration); optional but defaults to 60 days if not provided in the file
Version 2.2.4 (released on 02/17/2012)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: modified all the coding system fields to be 'string' instead of 'number' since they all have lookups, and some of the values in the lookups are not numeric; this change is not required
Version 2.2.3 (released on 02/07/2012)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved field 'textRemarks' from the Tumor page to the end of the DX Text page; this change is not required
- layout-record-abstract.xml: modified shared script 'updateCstagePage' to automatically hide the SSF that are not required by SEER and assign 988 to them; this change is not required
Version 2.2.1 (released on 01/26/2012)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed an error in 'updateCstagePage' shared script that caused some CStage labels to not be correct when the schema changed; this change is not required but recommended
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now saving the 25 cstage labels in the record when it is extracted, that way the labels don't change when opening old records
Version 2.1 (released on 01/04/2012)
- layout-afl.xml: made site and histology searchable since they have been added to the worklist; this change is required only if the fields are added to the worklist
- layout-physician.xml: added new field for specialties; this change is not required
- layout-record-abstract.xml: made primary site and histologyO3 searchable since they have been added to the worklist; this change is required only if the fields are added to the worklist
- layout-record-abstract.xml: removed section at the top of the layout that deals with resetting status of archived records; since version 2.0 the status can be changed by right-clicking the record in the worklist
- layout-record-abstract.xml: improved this default layout; many changes were made (see Squish issue #1863 for an exhaustive list); none of those changes are required
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added hour, minutes and seconds to the pathDateSpecCollect1-5 fields to comply with the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format required by NAACCR 12.2
- layout-special-record_creation_page.xml: improved the record creation page and added more information; this change is not required
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: default abstract layout improvements; the changes to this popup go along with the changes to the default layout
- layouts/input-afl-download.xml: added an option to download all the opened AFL; makes sense for some registries
- lookups.xml: added lookups 'lkup_surg_other', 'lkup_city' and 'lkup_county' as part of the default Abstract layout improvement (this change is required if those lookups are added to the layout)
- script-action-app_startup.groovy: fixed the logic that updates the user's last login date
- script-action-record_created.groovy: now assigning the facility and vendor name in this script because this is more efficient than running an on-entity-opened rule in the abstract layout (this change is not required)
- script-action-record_created.groovy: default abstract layout improvement (optional change): removed many fields (this change goes with the changes to the default abstract layout)
- script-action-record_created.groovy: added hour, minutes and seconds to the pathDateSpecCollect1-5 fields to comply with the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format required by NAACCR 12.2
- script-action-record_opened.groovy: the section to reset the record type was removed from the abstract layout, so removing the reference to the 'resetStatusBtn'
- script-extract-afl.groovy: now handling the case where the AFL display ID has a suffix, this change is not required but should be applied if other AFL changes are applied
- script-extract-afl.groovy: improved logged message; this change is not required
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: default abstract layout improvement (optional change): removed many fields (this change goes with the changes to the default abstract layout)
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: added hour, minutes and seconds to the pathDateSpecCollect1-5 fields to output them in the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format as required by NAACCR 12.2
- script-load-afl.groovy: added more complex logic to handle AFL re-opened in SEER*DMS; this change is not required but recommended
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lookup 'lkup_surg_other'; this change is required only if the lookup is added in the 'lookups.xml' definition file
- script-load-physician.groovy: added support for specialties; this change is not required (but if applied, the change in the XML layout needs to be applied too)
- search-patient.xml: removed the formatting of the SSN field because it is not very useful and causes the text search to not work correctly; this change is not required
- search-physician-lkup.xml: added new column for specialties; this change is not required
- search-physician.xml: added new column for specialties; this change is not required
- search-worklist.xml: removed the formatting of the SSN field because it is not very useful and causes the text search to not work correctly; this change is not required
- search-worklist.xml: added site, histology/behavior and DX date to the displayed fields, made site and histology searchable; this change is not required
- added new key 'hide.user.manual'; if set to true, the User Manual menu item will be hidden; this key is not required and defaults to 'false'
Version 2.0 (released on 08/18/2011)
- layout-afl.xml: made the property 'dateOfDiagnosisYear' searchable; this is a required change or the database counts on the record editor page won't be correct
- layout-record-abstract.xml: this default layout is now NAACCR 12.2; there were no actual changes (because only census fields were added and we do not show those)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: enabled record information on the top of the page (see 'record-info' tag at the very end of the layout); to disable the record information, just delete the entire section
- layout-record-abstract.xml: made the property 'dateOfDiagnosisYear' searchable; this is a required change or the database counts on the record editor page won't be correct
- layout-special-record_creation_page.xml: initial version
- layouts/input-afl-download.xml: added support for downloading AFLs by SEER*DMS group; this change is not required
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 12.2 records (no new fields were added, but the naaccrRecordVersion field is now set to 122 instead of 121)
- script-generic-import.groovy: initial version
- script-load-afl.groovy: added support for downloading AFLs by SEER*DMS group; this change is not required
- script-load-lookup.groovy: removed duplicate call for 'lkup_dx_stg_proc'; this change is not required, but recommended
- search-patient.xml: changed the default value of the "Type" column in the results from '-' to 'patient set', this change is not required
- search-patient.xml: removed 'Race' and 'Type' fields, there are not very useful; this change is not required
- added new key 'registry.abbreviation'; the system might use this to generate unique filename; this key is not required
- added the key 'record.copy-sources.for.abstract'; this change is not required, but if the key is omitted, the copy button in the record editor will be disabled
- added new synchronization method 'import-customized' (see key 'synch.methods.enabled'), removed keys 'synch.export.default' and 'synch.import.default'; this change is not required
- added new key 'login.require.facility'; if set to true, a non-admin user won't be able to login without a facility; not required and defaults to 'false'
Version 1.5.1 (released on 01/18/2011)
- added new key 'property.year.of.diagnosis' (used by the surgery03 lookup); not required, defaults to 'dateOfDiagnosisYear'
Version 1.5 (released on 12/01/2010)
- actions/action-purge-entities.groovy: removed code that deletes old Casefinding records; support for Casefinding has been removed from the default configuration (see
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: now using the alias 'rec' instead of 'record' because 'record' is already used by the SEER*DMS record edits (this change is required but is automatically done by the installer when upgrading)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: removed edits for Casefinding records (default support for Casefinding has been removed, see; this change is not required
- layout-facility.xml: removed 'costToVisit', 'seasonToVisit' and 'mileageFromRegistry' since those are not supported in SEER*DMS anymore
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added a button to copy the DX address into the current one (see field 'copyAddressBtn')
- layout-record-abstract.xml: enabled text viewer using all large text fields (see 'text-viewer' tag at the very end of the layout); to disable the text viewer, just delete the entire section
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added a section (named 'reset-status-section', at the very top of the layout) to reset the record status from ARCHIVED (read-only) to COMPLETED (editable, can be extracted again); the section is shown only when opening ARCHIVED abstracts ('script-action-record_opened.groovy' was also changed for this feature)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: this default layout is now NAACCR 12.1; there were no actual changes (because only census and override fields were added and we do not show those)
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: added the summary section as an option (so that the entire abstract can be copied over); changed description
- lookups.xml: added lookup 'lkup_flag'; it is used in a lot of SEER*DMS edits (if those are not turned on, there is no need to add this lookup)
- lookups.xml: removed entries for Casefinding and HL7 in lkup_internal_reference_rec_subtype in lookups.xml (default support for Casefinding and HL7 reference data has been removed, see
- lookups.xml: removed entry for Casefinding from 'lkup_internal_rec_subtype' (default support for Casefinding has been removed, see
- script-action-record_created.groovy: removed section that copies fields from a Casefinding to an Abstract (default support for Casefinding has been removed, see
- script-action-record_created.groovy: added the fields from the summary section to the logic that copies the field over when an abstract is created from another abstract (see layout/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml)
- script-action-record_opened.groovy: added the 'resetStatusBtn' parameter to the call to 'setEditorToReadOnly' so the button can still be clicked
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now extracting NAACCR 12.1 records (no new fields were added, but the naaccrRecordVersion field is now set to 121 instead of 120)
- script-import-lookup.groovy: now using lists of key/value pairs instead of maps for creating lookups so duplicate keys are supported
- script-load-afl.groovy: column 'date_of_diagnosis' was renamed into 'event_date' in SEER*DMS
- script-load-facility.groovy: removed 'costToVisit', 'seasonToVisit' and 'mileageFromRegistry' since those are not supported in SEER*DMS anymore
- script-load-lookup.groovy: now calling toString() on values added to the lookup map, otherwise the script might throw an error when loading lookups with keys as numbers
- script-load-lookup.groovy: now using lists of key/value pairs instead of maps for creating lookups so duplicate keys are supported
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: added an alias to count query as required by PostgreSQL
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: removed calls to 'DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR' since those were Oracle specific and do not work with PostgreSQL
- removed default support for Casefinding and HL7 reference data (removed the IDs from 'supported.ref.record.subtypes' and removed entries in lkup_internal_reference_rec_subtype in lookups.xml); this change is not required
- removed default support for creating Casefinding record (removed the ID from 'supported.record.subtypes' and removed the 'record.prefix.casefinding' property); this changed is not required
- added new key 'edits.load.seerabs' with value 'true'; the change is not strictly required, but if other sets of edits need to be supported, the modifications should be applied
Version 1.4 (released on 06/25/2010)
- actions/action-purge-entities.groovy: the internal date representation changed; this script was updated to use the new format; this change is required!
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: added new edits for 'gradePathValue' and 'gradePathSys' (EDIT-A003a and EDIT-A003b)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: replaced all empty rows/sections by the attribute 'gap-before-section'; this change is optional but using this new attribute is the recommended way of inserting gaps
- layout-record-abstract.xml: set length of all unlimited-string fields to 1,000 (their NAACCR length) so that the system can warn the Abstractor if too much text is pasted
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_site to the fields csMetsAtDxBone, csMetsAtDxBrain, csMetsAtDxLiver and csMetsAtDxLung
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added lookups to the physician and facility fields of the path reports tab
- lookups.xml: modified lkup_grade_path_system and lkup_grade_path_value to use '9' as the unknown value instead of blank
- lookups.xml: added definition for lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_site (was added to abstract layout and lookups load script too)
- script-extract-afl.groovy: now using the 'countsOnly' query for the count; it is much more efficient
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now translating the new '9' value to blank for the 'gradePathValue' and 'gradePathSys' fields
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now using the 'countsOnly' query for the count; it is much more efficient
- script-generic-build_entity_name.groovy: now displaying a question mark instead of 'null' when the name is missing
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: now translating the new '9' value to blank for the 'gradePathValue' and 'gradePathSys' fields
- script-load-lookup.groovy: added lkup_cs_mets_at_dx_site (was added to abstract layout and lookups.xml too)
- added new key 'configuration.version'; the key is optional and the corresponding value can be left blank
Version 1.3.2 (released on 04/14/2010)
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: fixed a bug in "calculateDateOfInptAdmFlag(rec)" and "calculateDateOfInptDischFlag(rec)" where the dates were inverted
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: fixed a bug in "calculateDateOfInptAdmFlag(rec)" and "calculateDateOfInptDischFlag(rec)" where the dates were inverted
Version 1.3.1 (released on 04/05/2010)
- lookups.xml: removed 'lkup_internal_yes_no' from the comment; it is no longer supported
Version 1.3 (released on 03/08/2010)
- actions/action-purge-entities.groovy: added a confirmation dialog at the very beginning of the script
- actions/action-purge-entities.groovy: now using new count-only search methods because they are much more efficient
- layout-afl_not_abstracted.xml: changed the explanation field case to be 'as-is' instead of the default 'upper'
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved the address at DX next to the current address on the Demographic tab; this change is cosmetic only
- layout-record-abstract.xml: moved the ICD-O-1 and ICD-O-2 fields into their own sections and added a year to a few EDO fields; this change is cosmetic only
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added read-only subtitles to each collaborative stage field, also indicating if the field is required by SEER
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added rule to auto-fill remaining races with 88 if one of them is set to 88
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added new site-specific surgery lookup (lkup_internal_surgery) to both surgery fields (summary and hospital)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: added a button to reset all SSF fields taking into account the relevant fields for the current schema
- layout-record-abstract.xml: made all large text fields mixed-case instead of the default upper
- layout-record-abstract.xml: reviewed all the physician and facility NPI auto-filling rules; several of them did not work correctly
- layout-record-abstract.xml: change all on-entity-opened rules so they don't modify a read-only record that has been flagged as ARCHIVED
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: changed description
- lookups.xml: lkup_grade_path_system and lkup_grade_path_value are not external anymore; "Blank" code has been added to them
- lookups.xml: added new special lkup_internal_surgery in the comment of the internal lookups
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: fixed a wrong property name ("other9802, replaced by "rec['rxSummSurgOth9802']" 5 times)
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: added line length checking; if a record generates a line too short or too long, it won't be extracted
- script-generic-build_extract_filename.groovy: initial version
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: fixed a wrong property name ("other9802, replaced by "rec['rxSummSurgOth9802']" 5 times)
- script-load-lookup.groovy: removed lkup_grade_path_system and lkup_grade_path_value (see lookups.xml)
- search-facility-lkup.xml: made FIN and NPI 'contains' instead of 'exact'
- search-facility-lkup.xml: the criteria is now used to show fields in the advanced search; added labels and lengths to all fields; this change is required
- search-facility-lkup.xml: removed search on address because it gave too many false positive results
- search-facility-lkup.xml: switch order of columns NPI and FIN since it seems NPI is getting used more than FIN
- search-facility-lkup.xml: changed maximum number of results to 100 to help slow laptops
- search-facility-lkup.xml: changed global layout case to be 'as-is' and trimming rule to be 'both'
- search-facility.xml: made FIN, NPI and Address 'contains' instead of 'exact'
- search-facility.xml: removed extra space before display ID field because different computers use different fonts and sometimes the box was hidden
- search-facility.xml: switch order of columns NPI and FIN since it seems NPI is getting used more than FIN
- search-patient.xml: made SSN and MED REC# 'contains' instead 'exact'
- search-patient.xml: removed extra space before display ID field because different computers use different fonts and sometimes the box was hidden
- search-physician-lkup.xml: made NPI and LICENSE 'contains' instead 'exact'
- search-physician-lkup.xml: the criteria is now used to show fields in the advanced search; added labels and lengths to all fields; this change is required
- search-physician-lkup.xml: removed search on address, it gives too many false positive results
- search-physician-lkup.xml: changed maximum number of results to 100 to help slow laptops
- search-physician-lkup.xml: changed global layout case to be 'as-is' and trimming rule to be 'both'
- search-physician.xml: made NPI and LICENSE 'contains' instead 'exact'
- search-physician.xml: removed extra space before display ID field because different computers use different fonts and sometimes the box was hidden
- added new key '' (if set to false, AFL-related components won't be shown in the application); not required and defaults to 'true' if key is not provided
- now allowing 5 characters instead of 4 in the record prefixes; also allowing digits
- added several keys to provide default directories and files for the import and export files features; none of those keys are required
Version 1.2.1 (released on 01/30/2010)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: fixed a spelling error in histology fields script that caused the behavior not to be filled in
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: fixed a bug in clean() method that made the script fail if a text field contained new lines
Version 1.2 (released on 01/29/2010)
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: now using the alias 'record' instead of 'entity', it is a bit more intuitive
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: added NAACCR dates validation
- layout-afl.xml: removed 'linkedEntity' field, it was there only for the property to be searchable but it is now automatically set to searchable by the application (for AFL and RECORD types)
- layout-record-abstract.xml: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- layout-ref_patient.xml: renamed 'medicalRecordNum' to 'medicalRecordNum'
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: added pathology section (NAACCR 12)
- layouts/input-afl-download.xml: initial version
- lookups.xml: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- script-action-afl_opened.groovy: added ability for a user to open the abstract corresponding to the current AFL
- script-action-record_completed.groovy: modified a comment
- script-action-record_created.groovy: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: now using pipes between address parts so it can be easily parsed by SEER*DMS
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: registryType is now hard-coded to 3 (Single hospital/freestanding center) instead of 1 (Central registry (population-based))
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- script-load-afl.groovy: added input dialog to request the AFLs only from a particular facility
- script-load-afl.groovy: minor tweaks to make the queries work with the new Groovy library
- script-load-facility.groovy: minor tweaks to make the queries work with the new Groovy library
- script-load-lookup.groovy: now using a shared method to update each lookup which makes the code much smaller
- script-load-lookup.groovy: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- script-load-physician.groovy: minor tweaks to make the queries work with the new Groovy library
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: minor tweaks to make the queries work with the new Groovy library
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: renamed 'medicalRecordNum' to 'medicalRecordNumber'
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: minor tweaks to make the queries work with the new Groovy library
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: switched from NAACCR 11.3 to NAACCR 12; numerous changes...
- search-patient.xml: added medical record number to the result columns; shows an example of a more involved Groovy script
- search-worklist.xml: changed max number of results to 500
- added new key 'property.ssf25' (used by Collaborative Stage version 2) - not required and defaults to 'csSiteSpecificFactor25' if key is not provided
- added new key 'support.ref.patient' (if set to false, the patient set data type won't show up in the synchronization page), defaults to 'true' if the key is not provided
- added new key 'property.linked.entity' (used to know which RECORD goes with which AFL); not required and defaults to 'linkedEntity' if key is not provided
Version 1.1 (released on 07/10/2009)
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: renamed 'medicalRecordNumer' to 'medicalRecordNum' and made the property searchable
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: instead of replacing new lines by a blank space, they will now be replaced by a special tag (@$) that SEER*DMS recognizes as a new line; that way the formatting of long fields won't be lost anymore.
- script-load-physician.groovy: now formatting title so it shows nicely in the application
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: 'medicalRecordNumber' was renamed to 'medicalRecordNum'
- search-patient.xml: fixed middle name embedded script because it was not showing value if it was only one character
- search-physician-lkup.xml: left-justified middle name (instead of centered)
- search-physician.xml: left-justified middle name (instead of centered)
Version 1.0 (released on 05/15/2009)
- actions/action-purge-entities.groovy: initial version
- auto-completion-lists.xml: initial version
- edits/seerabs-edits.xml: initial version
- layout-afl.xml: initial version
- layout-afl_not_abstracted.xml: initial version
- layout-facility.xml: initial version
- layout-physician.xml: initial version
- layout-record-abstract.xml: initial version
- layout-ref_patient.xml: initial version
- layout-ref_record-naaccr.xml: initial version
- layout-user.xml: initial version
- layouts/input-abstract-to-abstract.xml: initial version
- lookups.xml: initial version
- script-action-afl_abstracted.groovy: initial version
- script-action-afl_not_abstracted.groovy: initial version
- script-action-afl_opened.groovy: initial version
- script-action-app_startup.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_closed.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_completed.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_created.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_deleted.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_opened.groovy: initial version
- script-action-record_saved.groovy: initial version
- script-extract-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-extract-record-abstract.groovy: initial version
- script-generic-build_entity_name.groovy: initial version
- script-generic-build_search_criteria.groovy: initial version
- script-generic-build_seer_validatable.groovy: initial version
- script-import-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-import-facility.groovy: initial version
- script-import-lookup.groovy: initial version
- script-import-physician.groovy: initial version
- script-import-ref_patient.groovy: initial version
- script-import-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: initial version
- script-load-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-load-facility.groovy: initial version
- script-load-lookup.groovy: initial version
- script-load-physician.groovy: initial version
- script-load-ref_patient.groovy: initial version
- script-load-ref_record-naaccr.groovy: initial version
- script-upload-afl.groovy: initial version
- script-upload-record-abstract.groovy: initial version
- search-facility-lkup.xml: initial version
- search-facility.xml: initial version
- search-patient.xml: initial version
- search-physician-lkup.xml: initial version
- search-physician.xml: initial version
- search-user.xml: initial version
- search-worklist.xml: initial version
- initial version