Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20160009 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Appendix: What is the histology for an appendix resection diagnosis of "Malignant neoplasm of the appendix with the following features: Histologic type: Adenocarcinoma ex goblet cell carcinoid with mucin production (adenocarcinoma arising from goblet cell carcinoid)"? Is this histology best coded to a mixed adenocarcinoma/carcinoid tumor (8244/3)? |
Code histology to combined carcinoid and adenocarcinoma (8244/3). The tumor is a mix of adenocarcinoma and carcinoid. |
2016 | |
20180113 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Lung: What is the histology code of a 2018 lung cancer case with invasive non-mucinous adenocarcinoma? For non-mucinous carcinoma/adenocarcinoma, the Solid Tumor Rules have codes for microinvasive, minimally invasive, preinvasive, and in situ. Do we default to the microinvasive/minimally invasive code? |
Code histology to adenocarcinoma, NOS (8140/3). The World Health Organization and the College of American Pathologists no longer recognize non-mucinous carcinoma/adenocarcinoma, NOS. Pathologists are discouraged from using this term. Microinvasive/minimally invasive lung tumors have very specific criteria and these criteria do not apply to non-mucinous carcinoma, NOS. |
2018 | |
20180108 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Lung: What is the correct histology of a lung mass with a CT-directed fine needle aspirate "positive for malignancy, favor squamous cell carcinoma. See Discussion. |
Immunostain results of the malignant cells show strong staining with p63 and negative staining with TTF-1 and Napsin. Rare cells stain with CK7. Findings are most compatible with squamous cell carcinoma. The patient is treated as if he has squamous cell carcinoma. The new histology coding rules say you cannot use ambiguous terms which modify the histology to code the histology. So is this 8010/3? |
Code histology to SCC. The lung rules were updated 10/12/2018 to include clarification on using ambiguous terminology to code histology. See page 32. Note 2: Histology described by ambiguous terminology is coded when a case is * Clinically confirmed by a physician (attending, pathologist, oncologist, pulmonologist, etc.) * Patient is treated for the histology described by an ambiguous term Your case meets both of these criteria so code histology to SCC. |
2018 |
20180078 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Breast: How is histology coded and which rule applies for a single in situ tumor that is described as an encapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC) with conventional ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)? See Discussion. |
Patient had a breast excision that proved a single tumor with no evidence of invasive carcinoma. The final diagnosis stated: Size (extent) of EPC DCIS: Spanning approximately 1.3 cm. The pathologist did not describe separate foci of DCIS; only one tumor comprised of both encapsulated papillary carcinoma and DCIS. The encapsulated papillary carcinoma was not described as invasive. The pathology noted: This case is best classified as EPC conventional DCIS. No conventional stromal invasion is identified. Solid Tumor Rule M2 confirms a single tumor is a single primary. However, there does not appear to be an H Rule that instructs how to code histology. The Single Tumor: In Situ Only module, has only three H Rules and none of them apply to this case. The patient does not have Paget disease (H1), does not have a single histology (H2, there are multiple histologies present as DCIS and EPC are listed on different rows in Table 3) and does not have DCIS and LCIS (H3). How does one arrive at the correct histology for this case? |
Code histology to 8500/2. Per April 2019 update: Rule H5 applies: Code DCIS 8500/2 when there is a combination of DCIS and any other carcinoma in situ. The 4th Ed WHO Tumors of the Breast states that tumors with encapsulated papillary carcinoma in situ in the absence of DCIS in the surrounding tissue have a very favorable prognosis. Only tumors without DCIS should be coded to 8504/2. The component of DCIS will determine treatment. |
2018 |
20210004 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Colon: What is the histology for a 2020 pathology report final diagnosis showing invasive adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated with signet ring cell features and signet-ring cell carcinoma in the synoptic report? See Discussion. |
Since the synoptic report and final diagnosis are equal in priority, and the Solid Tumor Rules tell us to code the more specific histology, would this be coded to signet ring cell adenocarcinoma, 8490/3, even though the pathologist used features in the final diagnosis? There is no histology adenocarcinoma with signet ring cell features on the CAP Protocol, so the pathologist may check off the next closest histology " signet ring cell carcinoma " which would not be truly representative of the actual histology. Final Diagnosis: Proximal colon, segmental resection: Invasive adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated, with signet ring cell features. Synoptic Report A: Colon and Rectum - Resection Specimen Procedure: Right hemicolectomy, Tumor Site: Right (ascending) colon, Histologic Type: Signet-ring cell carcinoma, Histologic Grade: G3: Poorly differentiated. |
Code histology to 8490/3 per H6. The December 2020 Solid Tumor Update includes addition of the following instructions to the "Priority Order for Using Documentation to Code Histology" section. Which document to use when there is conflicting information between the final diagnosis, synoptic report, or CAP protocol: When there are discrepancies between the final diagnosis and synoptic report, use the document that provides the more specific histology. This will likely be found in the synoptic report. The CAP Protocol should be used only when a final diagnosis or synoptic report are not available. Definitions for CAP Protocol, final diagnosis, and synoptic report can be found in the Definitions section. |
2021 |
20110070 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Endometrium: How is histology coded when clear cell adenocarcinoma [8310/3] is stated to involve a "1.5 cm endometrial polyp"? See Discussion. | The CAP formatted pathology report histology field states, "Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS 98310/3)" and the tumor size comment field states, "Carcinoma involves a 1.5 cm endometrial polyp." Does rule H11 apply? Is the histology coded to clear cell adenocarcinoma [8310/3] because this is one histologic type identified in the CAP formatted histology field? Or should rule H12 apply and the histology coded as clear cell adenocarcinoma arising in a polyp [8210/3]? Or should we code the higher histology per rule H17 apply because clear cell adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma in a polyp are two specific histologies?
For colon primaries, whether or not the tumor arose in a polyp is quite important. Is this also the case for primaries listed in the Other Sites category? |
Code histology to 8310/3 [clear cell adenocarcinoma]. The Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules Manual is the correct source for coding histology for cases diagnosed 2007 or later.
The following steps are used to determine the histology code:
Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules manual. For an endometrial primary, use the Other Sites Histo rules to determine the histology code because endometrium does not have site specific rules.
Go to the SINGLE TUMOR: INVASIVE ONLY module, which starts at Rule H8.
. Code clear cell adenocarcinoma [8310/3] because only one histologic type is identified. |
2011 |
20110095 | Reportability/Histology: Is the diagnosis "low-grade neuroendocrine neoplasm/carcinoid tumor with expression of gastrin (consistent with gastrinoma)" reportable with the histology code 8240/3 [carcinoid] or 8153/3 [malignant gastrinoma]? See Discussion. | A carcinoid tumor (8240/3) is reportable but a gastrinoma, NOS (8153/1) is not. | Code histology to 8153/3 [malignant gastrinoma]. According to the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Digestive System, pages 64-65, carcinoid is a synonym for gastric neuroendocrine tumor (NET) and gastrinoma is synonymous with gastrin-producing NET. Gastrin-producing NET (gastrinoma) is coded 8153/3. |
2011 |
20160025 | MP/H Rules/Histology: What is the correct histology code for a NUT midline carcinoma? |
Code histology to 8010/3.
NUT carcinoma is identified by the NUTM1 gene rearrangement.
NUT midline carcinomas (NMC) are lethal and morphologically indistinguishable from other poorly diff carcinomas. They are epithelial tumors which can range from undifferentiated carcinomas to carcinomas with prominent squamous differentiation.
A new proposed ICD-O-3 code has been suggested for NUT tumors but it is not yet approved for implementation. Do not use the new code until it is approved for use in the United States.
2016 | |
20200023 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Endometrium: Is the histology for a serous carcinoma, high-grade endometrial primary 8441/3 (serous carcinoma) or 8461/3 (high grade serous carcinoma)? See Discussion. |
Path report reads: 7/15/2019 A. Endometrium, curettings: Serous carcinoma, high grade. B. Endometrial polyp, curettings: Serous carcinoma, high grade. If coded to 8461/3, according to AJCC, this would not be an ideal code (since it is outdated). Also, endometrium is not included in the suggested site codes for 8461/3 according to the 8/22/2018 ICD-O-3 update. |
Code histology for this endometrial primary to serous carcinoma 8441/3. Capture "high grade" in the grade field as instructed in the grade coding manual. "High grade serous carcinoma" has specific clinical and histopathologic features found in ovarian tumors. |
2020 |
20110081 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Pancreas: What is the correct histology code for pancreatic neoplasia III (PanIN III) for cases diagnosed in 2007 and later? | Code histology for PanIN-III to 8148/2 [Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III]. The Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules Manual is the correct source for coding histology.
For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, the following steps are used to determine the histology code:
Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules manual. For a pancreas primary, use the Other Sites Histo rules to determine the histology code because pancreas does not have site specific rules.
Go to the SINGLE TUMOR: IN SITU ONLY module, start at rule H1. Code 8148/2 [Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III]. There is only one histologic type identified.
In the next version of the MP/H rules, the H22 rule "Code 8148/2 (Glandular intraepithelial neoplasia grade III) for in situ glandular in sites such as the (PAIN III)" will be included under H2 as well. Currently the rule is only in the MULTIPLE TUMORS ABSTRACTED AS A SINGLE PRIMARY module and should also be include under the SINGLE TUMOR: IN SITU only module. |
2011 |