In this paper, collaborators from the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences and the Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE) report cancer incidence, mortality, and stage distributions among Asians and Pacific Islanders (API) residing in the U.S.  Health disparities are noted, using the cancer experience of the non-Hispanic white population as the referent group.

Miller BA, Chu KC, Hankey BF, Ries LAG. Cancer incidence and mortality patterns among specific Asian and Pacific Islander populations in the U.S. Cancer Causes Control 2008 Apr;19(3):227-56.

SEER incidence and U.S. mortality databases have been created for use within the SEER*Stat software to enable public health researchers to further investigate cancer patterns among API groups. There are databases available for the years 1998-2002, the same as those published in the paper. See Specialized SEER*Stat Databases for more information.