The following publications from SEER’s Quality Improvement team are available online using the links within the citations.
Note: Links to NAACCR Narrative require the use of DropBox.
- Edwards BK, Johnson CH, Adamo M, Peace S, Fritz A, Percy-Laurry AL. Histology Coding and Multiple Primary Rules. NAACCR Narrative, Winter 2005 Edition
, pg 12.
- Ehrenkranz R, Lam C, Petkov V, Dilts D, Cheng S, Solis A, Negoita S. Quality Assessment of Tumor Size Data Collection for Pancreatic and Breast Cancer in SEER. Journal of Registry Management
(PDF); 45(4):161.
- Fritz A. The SEER Program's Commitment to Data Quality. Journal of Registry Management; 28(1):35.
- Hwang L, Altekruse S, Adamo M, Sun L. SEER and NAACCR Data Completeness Methods: How Do They Impact Data Quality in Central Cancer Registries? Journal of Registry Management; 39(4):185.
- Johnson CH, Adamo M, Peace S, Fritz A, Percy-Laurry AL, Edwards BK. The MPH Coding Rules Project. NAACCR Narrative, Summer 2005 Edition
, 14-15.
- Lam C, Dickie L, Adamo P, Penberthy L. A Plan to Improve Melanoma Tumor Depth Data Quality in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Journal of Registry Management
(PDF); 43(2):93.
- Percy-Laurry AL, Johnson CH, Adamo M, Lewis DR, Peace S, Dickie L, Ruhl J. MP/H Coding Rules Implementation: An Overview. NAACCR Narrative, Summer 2007 Edition
, page 9 -10.
- Percy-Laurry AL, Johnson CH, Reichman ME, Adamo M, Lewis DR, Peace S. Revising the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules.Journal of Registry Management; 34(3):81-86.
- Sanchez P, Adamo M, Lam C, Stevens J, Brest A, Negoita S. Melanoma Tumor Depth Quality Audit: A Nonmatch Analysis. Journal of Registry Management
(PDF); 48(4):161.