Statistics at a Glance

There are four main female breast cancer subtypes, including the following in order of prevalence:

  • HR+/HER2-
  • HR-/HER2-
  • HR+/HER2+
  • HR-/HER2+

HR stands for hormone receptor. HR+ means that tumor cells have receptors for the hormones estrogen or progesterone, which can promote the growth of HR+ tumors. HER2 stands for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HER2+ means that tumor cells make high levels of a protein called HER2/neu, which has been shown to be associated with certain aggressive types of breast cancer.

At a Glance

Age-Adjusted Rate of New Breast Cases per 100,000 Women, SEER 22 2017–2021
Subtype New Cases
HR+/HER2- 90.0
HR-/HER2- 13.6
HR+/HER2+ 12.4
HR-/HER2+ 5.1
Unknown 7.9
Total 129.4

When all subtypes are combined, female breast cancer is fairly common. In 2024, it is estimated that there will be 310,720 new cases of female breast cancer.

The breast cancer subtype HR+/HER2- is the most common subtype with an age-adjusted rate of 90.0 new cases per 100,000 women, based on 2017–2021 cases.

This is a rate more than six times higher than the HR-/Her2- breast cancer rate of 13.6 and the HR+/HER2+ breast cancer rate of 12.4, and over 17 times higher than HR-/HER2+ breast cancer rate of 5.1. All rates are age-adjusted.

Percent of Female Breast Cases by Cancer Subtype
Subtype Percent of Cases
HR+/HER2- 69.5073954881059%
HR-/HER2- 10.539130217281%
HR+/HER2+ 9.61621881170562%
HR-/HER2+ 3.97018395859337%
Unknown 6.06622883665677%

SEER 22 2017–2021

Survival Statistics

5-Year Relative Survival Percent, Female Breast Cases by Cancer Subtype
Subtype Relative Survival
HR+/HER2- 95.1%
HR-/HER2- 78.0%
HR+/HER2+ 91.5%
HR-/HER2+ 85.7%
Unknown 76.1%

Total 5-Year
Relative Survival


SEER 22 (Excluding IL/MA) 2014–2020

The best survival pattern was observed among women with the HR+/Her2- subtype, followed by the HR+/Her2+ subtype and the HR-/Her2+ subtype. The HR-/Her2- subtype had the worst survival.

Relative Survival by Stage

5-Year Relative Survival Percent, Female Breast Subtypes by SEER Combined Summary Stage
Subtype Localized Regional Distant
HR+/HER2- 100.0% 90.5% 35.4%
HR-/HER2- 92.0% 66.8% 14.3%
HR+/HER2+ 99.3% 90.4% 45.8%
HR-/HER2+ 97.3% 84.2% 39.7%
Unknown 96.6% 77.4% 16.8%
Total 99.6% 86.7% 31.9%

SEER 22 (Excluding IL/MA) 2014–2020

While breast cancer subtype affects survival, stage at diagnosis may be the most powerful factor in determining survival outcome. For example, among those with localized disease, the 5-year relative survival was greater than 92 percent regardless of subtype. Additionally, 5-year relative survival for localized HR-/Her2- female breast cancer was 92.0 percent, but it dropped to 14.3 percent for distant disease.

New Cases

Who Gets This Cancer?

Female breast cancer overall is most common in middle-aged and older women. Although rare, men can develop breast cancer as well. The age-adjusted rate of new cases of female breast cancer, with all subtypes combined, was 129.4 per 100,000 women per year based on 2017–2021 cases.

The distribution of breast cancer subtypes among the female population varies by age, race, ethnicity, stage, and other factors. Compared with women with HR+/HER2− subtype (the most common subtype), those diagnosed with the other three subtypes were somewhat more likely to be younger, belong to minority groups, and be diagnosed with cancer at a later stage. (Howlader 2018)

Age-Adjusted Rate of New Female Breast Cancer Subtypes per 100,000 by Race/Ethnicity
Race / Ethnicity HR+/HER2- Rate HR-/HER2- Rate HR+/HER2+ Rate HR-/HER2+ Rate Unknown Rate
Hispanic 66.3 11.5 10.4 4.7 8.0
NH American Indian/Alaska Native 77.5 11.1 11.6 4.9 7.6
NH Asian or Pacific Islander 75.5 9.6 12.2 6.2 6.3
NH Black 76.1 24.8 12.9 6.2 9.0
NH White 100.8 12.6 13.0 4.8 7.4

SEER 22 2017–2021
aNon-Hispanic, b Asian or Pacific Islander, c American Indian/Alaska Native

Non-Hispanic White women have the highest rate of new cases of HR+/HER2− breast cancer. Non-Hispanic Black women have the highest rate of new cases of HR−/HER2− breast cancer.

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SEER*Explorer is an interactive website that provides easy access to a wide range of SEER cancer statistics. It provides detailed statistics for a cancer site by sex, race, calendar year, age, and for a selected number of cancer sites, by stage and histology.

Explore Additional Breast Cancer Subtype Statistics

More About This Cancer

Cancer and the Female Breast

Figure: Breast and Adjacent Lymph Nodes

Figure: The female breast along with lymph nodes and vessels. An inset shows a close-up view of the breast with the following parts labeled: lobules, lobe, ducts, nipple, areola, and fat.

Inside a woman's breast are 15 to 20 sections, or lobes. Each lobe is made of many smaller sections called lobules. Fibrous tissue and fat fill the spaces between the lobules and ducts (thin tubes that connect the lobes and nipples). Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast grow out of control and form a growth or tumor. Tumors may be cancerous (malignant) or not cancerous (benign).

Additional Information

Related Stat Facts

More Information

Here are some resources for learning more about female breast cancer.


All statistics in this report are based on statistics from SEER and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. Many can be found within:

Howlader N, Altekruse SF, Li CI, Chen VW, Clarke CA, Ries LA, Cronin KA. US incidence of breast cancer subtypes defined by joint hormone receptor and HER2 status. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Apr 28;106(5). pii: dju055. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju055.

Howlader N, Cronin KA, Kurian AW, Andridge R. Differences in Breast Cancer Survival by Molecular Subtypes in the United States. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2018 Jun;27(6):619-626. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-17-0627. Epub 2018 Mar 28.

Noone AM, Cronin KA, Altekruse SF, Howlader N, Lewis DR, Petkov VI, Penberthy L. Cancer Incidence and Survival Trends by Subtype Using Data from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Program, 1992-2013. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017 Apr;26(4):632-641. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-16-0520. Epub 2016 Dec 12.

Kohler BA, Sherman RL, Howlader N, Jemal A, Ryerson AB, Henry KA, Boscoe FP, Cronin KA, Lake A, Noone AM, Henley SJ, Eheman CR, Anderson RN, Penberthy L. Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2011, Featuring Incidence of Breast Cancer Subtypes by Race/Ethnicity, Poverty, and State. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015 Mar 30;107(6):djv048. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djv048. Print 2015 Jun.

Suggested Citation

All material in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.

SEER Cancer Stat Facts: Female Breast Cancer Subtypes. National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,

These stat facts focus on population statistics that are based on the U.S. population. Because these statistics are based on large groups of people, they cannot be used to predict exactly what will happen to an individual patient. To see tailored statistics, browse SEER*Explorer. To see statistics for a specific state, go to the State Cancer Profiles.

The statistics presented in these stat facts are based on the most recent data available, most of which can be found in SEER*Explorer. In some cases, different year spans may be used.

Estimates of new cases and deaths for 2024 are projections made by the American Cancer Society (ACS), based on earlier reported data.

Cancer is a complex topic. There is a wide range of information available. These stat facts do not address causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care, or decision making, although links are provided to information in many of these areas.