The HD*Calc Webinar given by Sam Harper of McGill University and Steve Scoppa of IMS, Inc. in 2011 provides a review of health measures and a demonstration of the HD*Calc software Version 1.0.  Two versions of the webinar are available, with and without open captions. This webinar was held by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)External Web Site Policy and presented by the National Cancer Institute on May 24, 2011.

Download the media player required to view the videos (.wmv files): Windows Media PlayerExternal Web Site Policy.

Mandi Yu of NCI and Steve Scoppa of IMS, Inc. presented a webinar in 2019 to introduce new survey data features added to HD*Calc software in version 2.0.0. This webinar was held by the American Society of Preventive Oncology’s Cancer Health Disparities Special Interest GroupExternal Web Site Policy and presented by the National Cancer Institute on February 27, 2019.

  • Health Drivers Calculator: A Methodologically Rigorous Tool for Estimating Summary Measures of Health Drivers