MP-SIR is a method used to perform multiple primary analyses and to test hypotheses that explore theoretical links in the etiology of two cancers. A defined cohort of persons previously diagnosed with cancer is followed through time to compare their subsequent cancer experience to the number of cancers that would be expected based on incidence rates for the general population.
MP-SMR follows a cohort of persons through time to compare their observed mortality experience to the expected mortality based on U.S. mortality rates.
Multiple Primary - Standardized Incidence/Mortality Ratios can be calculated in SEER*Stat.
MP-SIR/SMR statistic types available in SEER*Stat
SIR/SMR Tables Observed, Expected, O/E, and Excess Risk statistics
Frequency counts across multiple primaries
Case Listings with advanced sorting capability
Breslow NE, Day NE. Statistical Methods in Cancer Research: Vol II - The Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies (IARC Scientific Publications No. 82), International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 1987.
Rothman KJ, Boice JD. Epidemiologic analysis with a programmable calculator. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, NIH publication. 1979;79-1649.
Rothman KJ, Boice JD. Epidemiologic analysis with a programmable calculator. 2nd ed. Newton, MA: Epidemiology Resources, 1982.