In SEER*Stat, to specify the subset of records to be used as your analysis cohort:

  1. Select a database on the Data Tab containing the records of interest.
  2. Make “selections” on the Selection Tab to specify an analysis cohort of all records or a subset of records in the chosen database.

Sample Analysis

Calculate the number of malignant lung and bronchus tumors diagnosed in the SEER 12 registries from 2017-2021.

Step 1: Open a new Frequency session.

Step 2: Selecting the Appropriate Database

Each SEER database contains data for a specific set of registries, diagnosis years, and available variables by data product type (Research or Research Plus). This information is noted in the database name. (registry terms are described in Registry Groupings in SEER Data and Statistics).

  • To see which additional variables are included in Research Plus data, refer to the Comparison of Data Products.
  • If you are not familiar with the registry terms that are considered "SEER 17", "SEER 22", etc, they are defined on the Registry Grouping in SEER Data and Statistics web page. If you are using a Research Plus database, you can also use the look at the database's registry variable in the SEER*Stat Dictionary.

To analyze cancer data for the SEER 12 registries, select the "Incidence - SEER Research Data, 12 Registries, Nov 2023 Sub (1992-2021)" database.

Step 3: Using the Selection Tab

  • Move to the Selection Tab.
  • There are two basic mechanisms for making selections: adding selection statements and checking standard options. Selections reduce the number of records included in an analysis based on specific variables. If no selections are made, then your analysis cohort will include every case in the database (all cases in the 12 SEER registries for 1992-2021). In this exercise, we want the frequency of malignant lung cancer cases in the SEER 12 registries for 2017-2021.
  • Use the default options in the Select Only box, ensuring that the Malignant Behavior and Known Age options are checked.
  • Select Edit.
  • Using the controls at the top of the Case Selection window, you will create a search statement. The variables are listed in categories in the Variable box on the top left of the screen.
  • In the Variable box, use the "+" to expand the "Race, Sex, Year Dx" category.
  • Select "Year of Diagnosis".
  • Moving to the center of the window, check to see that "is = to" is selected as the Operator.
  • Scroll through the items in the Values box until you find "2017". Select "2017" through "2021"
  • Next select "Site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008" from the "Site and Morphology" category. Note that a new line joined by the operator "AND" has been added to your selection statement.
  • Using "is = to" as the Operator, find and select "Lung and Bronchus" as the value.
  • At this time, the following should appear in the Selection Statement box at the bottom of the window:
    {Race, Sex, Year Dx.Year of diagnosis} = '2017','2018','2019','2020','2021'
    AND {Site and Morphology.Site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008} = ' Lung and Bronchus'
  • Use the OK button to close the Case Selection window.

Step 3:  Execute SEER*Stat

  • Select Execute from the Session menu or use the option on the toolbar to execute the session.
  • A dialog will display the progress of the job. When the job completes a new window will open containing the output table or matrix. In this exercise, we calculated one statistic (the number of malignant lung and bronchus cases of known age in SEER 12 registries, diagnosed from 2017 through 2021). To make a more complex table, see stratifying results by one or more variables.

Verify Results:  96,095 Cases