In Multiple Primary - Standardized Incidence Ratios (MP-SIR) Exercise 1a, you used the MP-SIR session to conduct an analysis of events that occur for the cohort defined by an index record. In this exercise, create a case listing table showing all records for subjects in the cohort who have an event of malignant bone and joint cancer.

To get started, extract the session from the matrix created in Exercise 1b.

Key Points

  • Several variables are automatically included in an MP-SIR case listing, such as, patient ID, selected events, event number, reason for exit, calculated sequence number, calculated person time, and months since index.
  • Due to NCI policy changes, the following fields that were previously automatically included are no longer included: age at diagnosis, calculated age at event.  You can still add age manually, but it will be limited to single ages through 89 and 90+.
  • The case listing can be limited to subjects with an event that matches the selected event(s). If this option is not checked, the listing will include all records for all subjects in the cohort (all subjects matching the index record). In this analysis, that would be all records for 53,966 individuals.
  • The listing can be sorted by index record variables or first event record variables. The first event is the first subsequent cancer matching a selected event. The sort variables are automatically included in the case listing. The records are always grouped by person, regardless of the sort variables. That is, patient identifiers do not need to be used as sort variables.
  • After completing this exercise, go to the statistics tab and change statistics and note that all settings for all 3 analyses are retained.

Step 1:  Open Exercise 1a's Matrix & Retrieve the Session

  • Start SEER*Stat.
  • Open the MP-SIR File file saved in exercise 1a. The filename should be "MPSIR Exercise 1a.smm".
  • If you did not save the output for exercise 1a, you may open our version of the output: Exercise Matrix 1a Results.
  • From the Matrix menu, select Retrieve Session.
  • Two windows should now be open. Close the matrix window containing the results calculated in exercise 1a. You should now have one window labeled "MP-SIR Session-x" where x is the number of MP-SIR session windows that you have created since starting SEER*Stat.

Step 2:  Review the Parameters (Parameters Tab)

  • Move to the Parameters Tab.
  • Leave the Latency settings under Cut-Points for Time-Dependent Variables box set to 1y,5y,10y, but this setting is ignored in a frequency analysis.

Step 3:  Select the Events (Events Tab)

  • Move to the Events Tab.
  • Use the Clear button below the Events: box to clear the selected events.
  • Select "Bones and Joints" from the list of events.

Step 4:  Select the Statistic (Statistic Tab)

  • Move to the Statistic Tab.
  • In the Statistic box, select Case Listing.
  • Make sure the "Limit to Subjects With an Event for Display" is checked.

Step 5:  Set the Display Variables (Table Tab)

  • Notice that the controls are different on the Table Tab when Case Listing is selected on the Statistic Tab. In addition, the Display Variables set in Exercise 1a have been cleared.
  • Add the following variables to the column dimension:
    Age recode with single ages and 90+
    Primary Site - labeled
    Histologic Type ICD-O-3
    ICD-O-3 Hist/behav
    Behavior code ICD-O-3
    Combined Summary Stage (2004+)
  • To sort the listing by histology from the first event record, select "Histologic Type ICD-O-3" from the Recommended Variables box, then select "First Event" from Sort Record Type and click the Sort button.

Learn More...

  • There is a Recommended Variables box containing a short list of commonly used variables for quicker access. These variables are still accessible in their normal categories in the Available Variables box.

Step 6:  Specify a Title (Output Tab)

Enter the following title on the Output Tab:

SEER 12 (excl AK), 1992-2021, MP-SIR Multiple Event Analysis
Cohort: Malignant Brain and Other Nervous System, First Primaries Only
Case Listing of Subjects With At Least One Bone and Joint Event
Sorted By Histology of Bone and Joint First Event
MP-SIR Exercise 1c

Step 7:  Execute SEER*Stat

  • Execute the session.
  • A dialog will display the progress of the job. When the job completes a new window will open containing the output table or matrix.

Step 8:  The Results Matrix

  • Use the Save As command on the File menu to save the matrix. Enter "MPSIR Exercise 1c" as the filename. SEER*Stat will assign the "slm" extension to indicate that this is a "SEER*Stat Case Listing Matrix" file.
  • Compare your results by executing this SEER*Stat session file: MP-SIR Exercise 1c Session.
    • Case listing examples are provided as session files instead of results matrices to ensure they may only be opened by those who have signed a SEER data use agreement and have permission to view individual records.
  • The Case Listing Results Matrix section of the help system contains more information about the SEER*Stat matrix and its features.