Examine trends in age-adjusted incidence rates for malignant breast cancer for females in the SEER 22 Registries for 2000-2021. Use rates, age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. Standard Population in the trend calculations. Specifically, calculate the Percent Change (PC) and Annual Percent Change (APC) for the entire time period 2000-2021.
Key Points
To calculate the percent change and annual percent change in rates, you must select one of the "Trends" options in the Statistic box on the Statistic Tab. The time periods used for the trend calculations are specified as groupings in a "Trend Variable". The "Year of diagnosis" and user-defined variables derived from "Year of diagnosis" are the only possible incidence trend variables. APCs and PCs will be calculated for groupings with three or more consecutive years. The rates for the individual years within these time periods will always be displayed in the output (it is not necessary to define groupings for the individual years). Groupings of 1 or 2 years will be ignored.
In this exercise, you will calculate trends in rates for cases diagnosed between 2000-2021, the years for which all 22 registries have cases in the database.
By default, APCs are calculated in SEER*Stat using the Weighted Least Squares method. Standard errors are required to calculate APCs using this method and, therefore, are always included with the results.
Step 1: Create a New Rate Session
- Start SEER*Stat.
- Create a new Rate Session from the File menu or use the option on the toolbar.
Step 2: Data Tab
On the Data Tab:
- Select the database "Incidence - SEER Research Limited-Field Data, 22 Registries, Nov 2023 Sub (2000-2021)".
- The Age Variable should be "Age recode with <1 year olds".
Step 3: Statistic Tab
Choose the following settings on the Statistic tab. Most of these settings are the default values.
- Set the Statistic to Trends (Age-Adjusted). The other controls you need to use on this tab will not all be available until you choose this option.
- The Standard Population should be "2000 U.S. Std Population (19 age groups - Census P25-1130)".
- The Age Variable should be "Age recode with <1 year olds".
- The Trend Variable should be the default "Year of diagnosis" variable. All available variables based on year of diagnosis will be listed in the Trend Variable selection list.
- The PC End Points should be One Year.
- The APC Calculation method should be Weighted Least Squares.
- The Tiwari Modification for confidence intervals should be used.
Step 4: Selection Tab
On the Selection tab:
- Mark only the Malignant Behavior checkbox in the Select Only section.
- Edit the "Race, Sex, Year Dx (Pop, Case Files)" selection statement to read:
{Race, Sex, Year Dx.Sex} = ' Female'
- Edit the "Other (Case Files)" selection statement to read:
{Site and Morphology.Site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008} = 'Breast'
Step 5: Table Tab
There are no table variables required. The trend variable, "Year of Diagnosis", will automatically be displayed in the output matrix as a row variable.
Step 6: Output Tab
- Give your matrix a title, such as:
Malignant Female Breast Cancer Incidence Trends
SEER 22, 2000-2021
Trends Exercise 1a
Step 7: Execute the Session
- Execute the session.
A dialog will display the progress of the job. When the job completes, a new window will open containing the output matrix.
Step 8: Check Your Results
- Compare your results to this SEER*Stat matrix file: key.trends1a.sim.